[Ed. Note: This is not the original manual, merely a paraphrasing of what's in it and how to play. If there's anything major I missed, though, I'll be rather surprised.] Objective: Find the Minotaur. Slay the Minotaur. Seize the Tarmin Treasure. DIFFICULTY LEVELS When playing Treasure of Tarmin, as in most other Intellivision games, you may choose from four levels of difficulty. They are as follows: PRESS AT FOR SKILL LEVELS INITIAL FOOD AND VULNERABILITY TITLE SCREEN LEVEL ON MAP HEALTH ARROWS TO ATTACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "3" EASY 2 18/9 9/9 1/4 "2" MEDIUM 4 16/8 8/8 1/2 "1" HARD 8 14/7 7/7 3/4 disc/other NASTY 12 12/6 6/6 FULL Upon choosing a level, you are presented with the Map Screen, with the night sky overlooking a side view of the catacombs. After a few moments, you are whisked to the maze. MAP SCREEN FEATURES: Each horizontal 'block' within the catacombs is a maze level. The small diagonal lines represent stairways from level to level, which are one-way downwards. The flashing white dot is you, which will move as you move westward or eastward within a level; the yellow chest represents the Treasure of Tarmin, and signifies the level upon which the Minotaur will initially appear. GREEN levels == Only physical weapons and monsters with physical attacks are found in this level. BLUE levels == Only spiritual weapons and monsters with spiritual attacks are found in this level. TAN levels == All weapon and monster types are possible here. The small black score (currently zero, which will hopefully climb) is your treasure score. Strangely, your amount of treasure has no direct bearing on winning or losing the game -- you do not buy or sell objects. It's just another way of keeping an eye on your performance. STATUS SECTION The bottom third of the screen is your status window, which keeps track of your inventory and characteristics. On the left is a compass heading, which is the direction you face. Surrounding it is a hexagonal space, capable of holding six objects; this is your pack. Next, at screen center, is the number 1; this is the dungeon level you are currently on, and your left and right hands are next to it. (Your right hand should be holding a tan bow at this point.) On the far right are your characteristics, which are as follows: PHYSICAL/SPIRITUAL strength. These numbers are your 'hit points', so to speak -- when they hit zero, you die. They are depleted by monster attacks and bombs, and are restored by potions and food; you may increase them permanently via combat or special potions. [top row] PHYSICAL/SPIRITUAL armor. These numbers represent your resistance to attack and injury, modified further by your difficulty level. Better armor and rings augment these scores. [middle row] PHYSICAL/SPIRITUAL weapon score. This number represents the strength of the weapon in your right hand, and is always zero if you are not holding a weapon there. Otherwise, the nonzero number indicates a physical or spiritual weapon, and its damaging potential. [bottom row] THE MAZE You will find yourself on the outskirts of a 11x11 maze, with a path circling it; thus, each level is 12x12. No monsters or objects appear on the outer path, although magical gates and eyeball murals may appear. Gates appear on north-south paths when two maze levels are horizontally adjacent, and appear as large rectangular blockages floating in mid-air. If you pass through a gate, you are transported to the adjacent maze level, but cannot pass back through the gate -- it's a one-way trip, and no gate will appear there until you have descended a level. (If this sounds confusing, go through one and watch where the white dot goes on the Map Screen.) The color of a gate determines its effect on your character. TAN -- no effect on characteristics. GREEN -- physical strength increases by x1 1/2; spiritual strength is halved. BLUE -- spiritual strength increases by x1 1/2; physical strength is halved. Eyeball murals are simply that -- drawings of eyeballs on the ground. Each is outside an entrance to the maze, of which there are eight (two on each side, equally spaced). In addition, the eyeballs on the north and south sides are lined up horizontally with the stairs to descend to the next level, when stairs exist on their side. (Some levels have only one set of stairs.) HOW YOUR CHARACTER WORKS (OVERLAYS) Press the following buttons to perform functions: 1 - Pick up/Drop object. This swaps the object in your right hand with whatever is directly in front of you; if there is no object there, you merely drop whatever you're holding. If there is an immobile object in front of you (a ladder or eyeball mural, for example), you will hear an error beep. 2 - Swap Hands. The objects in your left and right hand are exchanged. 3 - Rotate Pack. There are six positions in your pack, each capable of holding one object. The diagram to 11 1 the right shows the relative positions. Pressing 9 -*- 3 this key rotates the objects clockwise one position. 7 5 4 - Open Door/Object. This function opens doors, both hidden and obvious. Likewise, it will open treasure containers that do not require a key. If such a treasure container is sitting in front of a door, the function will open the container first. 5 - Use Object. This function activates special items that are in your right hand; if there is no usable object there, it just beeps. Typical usable objects are keys, magical books and potions. 6 - Swap Object With Pack. This swaps the object in your right hand with the object in the 3 o'clock position in your pack. 7 - Attack Monster. This attacks the creature directly in front of you with whatever weapon is in your right hand. If there is no weapon there, don't expect a lot of results. 8 - Rest. This is a noncombat function only, and consumes food. Each unit of food can restore approximately 5 strength points, and if you run out of food this function no longer works. You need only rest once to restore hit points -- it will heal you fully if you have sufficient food. If you have been in combat and use the Rest function, your strength score may increase beyond its previous maximum. (The strength score which increases corresponds with the weapon type you are using.) 9 - Descend Ladder. If a ladder is directly before you, this sends you down to the next level of the dungeon. One-way trip, sorry. Clear - Glance Left. This gives you a quick peek of what is to your left. 0 - Retreat/Retrace. This function moves you back to the last square you previously occupied. If you have used this function, you must move off the destination square before you can retreat again. In combat, this function (if successful) moves you out of combat range to the last square you occupied, if possible. However, it gives the monster you're fighting one free attack. Do not press this more than once; each press of this button resets the one-move timer before you leave combat. Enter - Glance Right. This gives you a quick peek of what is to your right. Disc -- Move player forward (barring obstructions), or turn left or right. Top Side Buttons -- see Map Screen. Bottom Left Side Button -- Count Food. Each 'click' you hear is one food unit, up to the maximum of 99. Bottom Right Side Button -- Count Arrows. Each 'click' you hear is one arrow, up to the maximum of 99. MAZE FEATURES The maze is constructed primarily of light and dark green walls, which are generally impassible and opaque. (Two special items can circumvent them, however.) Other permanent features include: DOORS: Dark blue rectangles within a wall, which may be opened. SECRET DOORS: These are invisible, but may be opened like any other door. If you run into a dead end that seems strange, use the Open Doors function to search for these. LADDERS: These are dark blue stairwells descending into the ground. EVIL DOORS: Yes... evil doors. On rare occasions, you will approach a door (normal or secret) and it will change to another color, either light blue, tan or yellow. This is an Evil Door, and is generally very very nasty; you must kill it in order to open it. (See the section on Special Books later on.) WEAPONS The weapon you begin with is a tan bow. Not surprisingly, this is not particularly powerful. Thus, it's a good idea to find better weapons lying around the Maze. PHYSICAL WEAPONS fall into six types, two of which are reusable. In increasing order of damage potential: ONE-SHOT (disappear when used) Knife # < Axe # < Dart < Spear ## # # #### ## ## # # # ## # # # # # # # # # REUSABLE (consume arrows, may break without warning) # # Bow # < Crossbow # # #### # # # # The color of the weapon indicates its strength as well. Tan (wood) < Orange (metal) < Blue (steel) < Silver < Gold < Platinum (white) Thus, a White Crossbow or White Spear can kick some butt. SPIRITUAL WEAPONS also fall into six types, two of which are reusable. ONE-SHOT (disappear when used) Small Fireball < Small Lightning < Large Fireball < Large Lightning # # # # _# # # ### ## _# ## # # # ## # # ## ### # ## # ## # REUSABLE (may break without warning) Scroll # # < Spellbook #### (looks like an emblem on ##### # ## # the cover of the book, ##### # ## # sort of '1'-shaped; ##### #### # this is the only book that # # # # generates a weapon rating.) ### In increasing order of damage potential: Blue < Grey < White < Pink < Red < Purple. A Purple Spellbook Is Your Friend. ARMOR These items help protect you from attack, and can appear on any level. Physical armor protects a little against spiritual attack, and vice versa. PHYSICAL: Breastplate # # Helmet ### Hauberk ## (It looks ##### ##### ## # vaguely ##### # # # ## like this. ### ## Go figure.) Gauntlet Small Shield ### Large Shield ### (ah, hell, it LOOKS ### ##### like a glove, really) # ##### ### (Shields only add to armor value when in the left hand.) SPIRITUAL: Small Ring ## Large Ring #### # # ## ## ## #### Use pieces of armor to 'wear' them; the best color you've found for each item is kept. (Same as weaponry of each type.) The maximum armor value possible is 119/52, if I remember correctly. TREASURE There are six types of treasure containers, some of which require keys to open. Tan containers are middling, orange ones are good, blue ones are best in terms of their contents. Of course, better containers require better keys, and are more dangerous... NO KEY REQUIRED Money Belt # # Small Sack #### Large Sack ###### # # # # # # ### #### ##### ### ##### #### (So I can't draw in ASCII. They LOOK like bags. Really.) KEY REQUIRED (blue keys open everything, orange keys open orange and tan, tan keys only open tan) Pack #### Box ####### Chest ###### # ## # ###### # # ## ##### # ###### # ###### # # # ####### # # ## #### ###### Any container may explode upon opening it. This will damage your physical strength, and can kill you if sufficiently powerful. It also destroys the contents of the chest. TREASURE There are five types, which are merely worth points. Silver < Gold < Platinum. Pick up treasure to score its value. # # # # # #### #### # # # Whatever the # # # Coins # Goblet #### Ingot ####### Crown fifth one was ### ## ## THE BAD GUYS! Monsters appear with respect to the type of level you are on. Green levels have physical monsters; blue levels have spiritual; tan levels have both. The three monster types that can throw either attack type can appear anywhere. (If anyone wants to draw these, good for them.) PHYSICAL-attacking monsters: White/Yellow are weakest, Gray/Tan are next, Orange/Red ones are nasty. SKELETONS: well, you get the idea. Bony little buggers, some with shields. White/Gray/Orange. ROBED SKELETONS: marginally nastier. White/Gray/Orange. GIANTS: very tall humanoid figures, no features. Yellow/Tan/Red. SPIRITUAL-attacking monsters: Yellow/Blue are weakest, Tan/Pink are next, Red/Purple ones are nasty. GIANT ANTS: mostly harmless. Blue/Pink/Purple. DWARVES: small, smooth humanoids, no features. Yellow/Tan/Red. GIANT SCORPIONS: look more like spiders. Blue/Pink/Purple. DWARVES W/SHIELDS: self-explanatory. Yellow/Tan/Red. GIANT SNAKES: Coiled and ready. Blue/Pink/Purple. ALLIGATORS: always grinning. Blue/Pink/Purple. DRAGONS: you know the drill. Blue/Pink/Purple. BOTH-attacking monsters: yipe! GHOULS: short humanoids, with a 'hooded' face (not a solid head). Kinda pudgy, start appearing around level 7. White/Gray/Orange. WRAITHS: tall humanoids, with a 'hooded' face (not a solid head). Robed and lanky, some are nastier than the Minotaur itself. White/Gray/Orange. (Some of these carry shields -- no word on if they're nastier.) THE MINOTAUR: Purple-colored, vaguely insectish-looking critter with a shield. Only one variety. COMBAT When you come face to face with a monster (or one that's adjacent to you attacks; you'll hear a primitive 'growl' and your attention will be grabbed), it's party time. The level-number will be replaced with a number, either green or blue as the combat progresses; the color signifies the monster's weakest attribute. (It always starts green, but if you attack spiritually it should turn blue pretty damn fast.) Unless you decide to retreat, the fight is to the death; first to have an attribute of strength hit zero dies. Watch your damage carefully. If you win, he vanishes in a puff of smoke. If he wins, you may see a quick teleport to a maze corner with your weapons and items gone (and your stats reduced -- 'reincarnation', they call it), or... you may see a big fat zero on the map screen. See ya. You and the monster alternate attacks -- if you delay in hitting the '7' key, it will even wait for you to counter-attack patiently. One-shot weapons disappear when hurled. Reusable weapons may break and vanish at any time. Thus, it's best to keep a supply of each. Once you are out of combat, you can Rest (8) if you have food, or drink potions to regain your strength points and raise your maximum scores. SPECIAL ITEMS Ah, yes -- the good stuff. POTIONS: small # large ### Small Blue: restore strength to maximum, any time, ### ### uses one 'turn' in combat # # Small Pink: lets you find better objects (and ### ### bigger bombs) in treasure containers temporarily, ### ### until you hear a little 'whoosh'. # ### Small Purple: Turns all monsters except the Minotaur invisible and harmless... for a while. Large Blue: Restore strength to maximum, increase physical maximum by ten. Any time, uses one 'turn' in combat. Large Pink: same, but increases spiritual maximum by ten. Large Purple: Swap Strength Attributes. Simply put: your strength scores are a ratio, physical/199 and spiritual/99. Let's say your strength is 100/40: this is 100/199 and 40/99, respectively, about 50% and 40%. This potion swaps these percentages, and would change your scores to 40% of 199 (about 80) and 50% of 99 (about 50). Any time, uses one 'turn' in combat. BOOKS: PHYSICAL BOOKS (look like a book with a 'hollow' cover -- zero attack value, disappear when used.) These change the color of your physical strength attribute to dark blue (blue book), tan (pink book) or white (purple book). Your maximum potential physical strength achievable w/o potions is normally 49, and you cannot 'rest' past this; these books change the potential maximum to 99, 149 or 199, respectively. SPIRITUAL BOOKS (look like a book with a 'solid' cover) Your max potential spiritual strength is 29 w/o potions; these books change the potential to 49 (blue book), 74 (tan book) or 99 (purple book). Only one attribute can be enhanced (colored) at a time. Also, this does not change your actual maximum strength points; finding a purple book doesn't mean you can suddenly 'rest' and go right to 99+, and if your score is higher than 49/29 it will stay there if you later enhance a different attribute. You must earn the higher maximums through combat and experience. SPECIAL BOOKS (look like a book with an 'X' on the cover, zero attack value). These books may be found in treasure containers, or are the booty guarded by Evil Doors. (You knew you weren't done with them.) Blue Doors guard blue books, Tan Doors guard pink books, and Yellow Doors (very very nasty) guard purple books. Once you have a special book, it does _not_ disappear with use; it is permanent unless you leave it behind. BLUE: Teleportation book. When held in a weapon slot and out of combat, this lets you Use it to teleport one square forward, even through walls. You cannot teleport out of the 12x12 grid, nor can you teleport into a square with a monster in it. PINK: X-Ray Vision book. When used, you gain temporary vision through the walls of the dungeon, and can see distant objects and monsters. This lasts until you hear a brief 'whoosh', but the book may be reused. PURPLE: Transmutation book. When used, objects before you are transmuted into platinum objects of their type. This is useless for anything but treasure, war weapons and armor, but enhances the value and/or power of those three types of objects dramatically. Thus, this is very very useful. WINNING THE GAME: The Minotaur will first appear on the level with the Tarmin Treasure pictured on it on the Map Screen. You can fight him there, or continue downwards off the map; there are 255 levels, and using a ladder on 255 will warp you back to 1. The Minotaur will reappear later on -- perhaps in numbers. ;) Should you fight the Minotaur and win, the yellow Tarmin Treasure will appear in the remnants of his smoky demise. Grab it, and watch the daylight unfold! HOW TO WIN, BRIEFLY: The first thing that's important to know is that you need not fight the Minotaur on the map level where he appears. If you're not ready at level 2, 4, 8 or 12, just keep going down ladders. The Minotaur will reappear soon enough. -Early stages- Right now, you're very weak. Your first task is to build up your physical and spiritual strengths -- and quickly, before something nasty rips you up. You gain points according to what weapons you've been using, so pick an attribute and stick with it for a while. If you're in a green level, work on the physical side; all weapons you'll find will be war weapons, and all monsters will only attack that side until you start running into ghouls and wraiths. Same goes for blue levels -- build the spiritual there. Take it very slow in the beginning stages. Kill off everything on a level before going down a ladder, so you maximize your combat opportunities with weaker foes and build more strength points. Keep an eye on the map as to what color adjacent floors are -- if an adjacent area is tempting, and you have a tan gate between the two, go for it. (Blue and green gates are bad news, as they hurt your stats more than they help.) Use every weapon you can find. Every axe or dart you use is one more arrow you can keep for later use, and they generally do more damage, too. You might keep a treasure container around for use in emergencies; when that giant scorpion has you cornered, throw a bag at him and walk right past. Open every other container you can find. Sure, you might get blown up, but you haven't invested enough time in this character yet to worry about it. Look for attribute-enhancing books and keys -- you might even get lucky and find large blue or pink potions now and then. Don't overbuild on one side and neglect the other! Nothing is more frustrating than building a massive physical score and getting whacked by a single bolt of lightning. - Middle stages - Okay, now you've got some points built up on each side, have a decent reusable weapon and some backup items, and a key that opens some treasure chests. Now what? If you have enough spiritual strength to survive on tan levels (where spiritual-spitting monsters can hang out), start building up the physical side. Use every item you can pick up, 'cause you've got a long way to go, and saving arrows may help. Turn your physical score some color and start pounding critters, because your main enemy is no longer the monster -- it's the bomb. Take it easy on opening containers for a while. A bomb can pack some major punch, and you have no way of avoiding its blast. You can consider yourself immune to bombs when your physical score is in the mid-70s on the most difficult level -- perhaps less on the other three difficulty settings. Until then, it's a risky thing to try. You might find blue/pink stat-boosting potions or better items, or you might find a quick death. Don't pick more fights than you have to pick, and concentrate on picking up better weapons and armor. Monster toughness can pick up dramatically once you've cleared a few levels, so have something in reserve that can take out a pink alligator or a red giant _quickly_. Don't forget food! Long battles can wear down your scores, and you need a lot of food sometimes to regenerate them. -- Late stages -- Once you're armed to the teeth and have a physical score of 70+, go to work on the spiritual side and build that up to 40+. At this point, nothing short of a Sherman tank should be able to threaten you -- red wraiths do count as Sherman tanks, though, so be careful. Start going after treasure again. The stat boosts that turn up will prove handy, as will the special books that turn up now and then. Oh, the Minotaur? Blow him away whenever you please. You might keep a small blue potion in your pack in case you've underestimated him, but a few shots from a white crossbow (careful -- they break quickly!) should pacify the little purple bastard. And when you get bored, whack a Minotaur and pick up the chest he leaves to see the sunshine... Ed. note: time required to reach this point varies, of course.] Video Game Advantage WWW manual archive -- http://www.io.com/~vga2000